» Custom Knee Braces


Custom Knee Braces

Knee Brace Brampton


Joint discomfort can ruin your daily schedule. To get relief, you can rely on our custom knee braces. The correct rehabilitation of a joint emphasizes the use of our specialized bracing. At Finch Gate, we understand the fundamental roles of the knee and offer tailored treatments. Our priority is making sure you have access to the highest quality braces possible so that you can recover from your injury. To make most out of it, we may recommend you home exercises. We test the braces to ensure they are as flexible as the user needs. We have specialists standing by 24/7 to answer any inquiries you may have about personalized knee braces.

Who needs our custom knee braces?

Our custom knee braces are typically used by individuals who have suffered an injury or have a medical condition that affects the knee, such as osteoarthritis, ligament instability, or knee replacement. They may also be recommended for individuals who are involved in high-impact sports or physical activities that put stress on the knee joint. The use of a custom knee brace can help to reduce pain, provide stability, and improve knee function. Investing in our high-quality custom knee braces can save you money by preventing a wide range of issues.

  • Enhances muscle strength and endurance
  • Proper load distribution
  • Soothes lower limbs fatigue
  • Ideal for relieving knee and hip pain
  • Works as a great support
  • Prevents from further damage
  • Increases your stamina and protects your knees
  • Alleviates pressure on the legs and spine

Benefits of using our custom made knee braces

The benefits of using our knee braces include –

  • A custom knee brace can help to reduce pain caused by knee injuries or medical conditions, such as osteoarthritis
  • Knee braces can provide support to the knee joint, helping to prevent further injury and instability
  • A knee brace can help to improve knee function and range of motion, allowing individuals to engage in physical activities more easily
  • Our custom knee braces can provide added protection for individuals participating in high-impact sports or physical activities, reducing the risk of knee injury
  • By reducing stress on the knee joint, a knee brace can help to facilitate healing following a knee injury

Why OTC knee braces are not a good option

  • OTC knee braces are designed to fit a wide range of individuals, but they may not provide the best fit.
  • Without proper fit, OTC knee braces may not provide optimal support and may not be effective.
  • OTC knee braces may not be as durable and comfortable as custom-made knee braces

For these reasons, it's recommended that individuals who require knee support consult with us. It's important to note that not all knee braces are the same, and the type and level of support offered will depend on the specific knee condition and individual needs. At Finch Gate Physiotherapy, we pride ourselves on providing each patient with individualized care.

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